With the impact of COVID-19 and advancements in technology, video interviews are on the rise.
With the impact of COVID-19 and advancements in technology, video interviews are on the rise. But
while you may not be sat at the same table as your interviewer, it’s still vital you can articulate your
value and demonstrate your personality.
So, how do you convince an employer of your strengths in a video interview?
Get To Grips With The Platform
Confidence often stems from familiarity. And while you may not have met the person before, you
can get to know your surroundings and technology. So first and foremost, get to grips with the
Ensure you know how to join calls, mute your microphone and adjust the audio and video settings.
Being comfortable with the program will help you relax on the day, taking one more thing off the list
to think about.
Test The Call
If your technology isn’t working properly, not only may you struggle to give your interviewer your
full attention, but important body language, visual queues, and communication may get lost. You
don’t want your interviewer’s attention to be on choppy audio or flickering video.
A test run is the best way to ensure everything works. Ask a family member or friend to call you to
check things are running smoothly. They will also be able to tell you if your lighting is poor, your
talking too quickly, and if your camera is slightly off.
Think about where you will conduct the interview. Try to find a quiet place with few distractions.
Your background should also be considered; try to avoid any mess that might distract your
interviewer. We recommend sitting in front of a blank wall.
On The Day
Even though the travel aspect of an in-person interview is removed, you should still be punctual for
a video interview. Try to sit down several minutes before the interview is due to start to avoid any
last-minute panics. You should close any open programs or tabs on your device and turn your phone
off or to silent (not vibrate).
If a problem does arise, keep a level head and resolve the issue promptly. Calmly solving the
problem may even demonstrate that you perform well under pressure.
And The Rest
Some people mistakenly believe that video interviews require less preparation, though really the
opposite is true. The lack of face-to-face contact makes it harder to appear enthusiastic and
knowledgeable, so extra preparation is vital to perform at your best.
NLB Solutions have been conducting video interviews for over seven years and have compiled some
extra tips to help you ace your video interview:
Dress smartly, though try to avoid contrasting colours and patterns, these won’t show up well.
Raise your webcam to eye level, keeping your attention focussed on the person on the screen in
front of you.
Avoid the temptation to Google an answer mid-interview. It will be obvious you’re distracted.
Don’t be afraid to say you don’t know. If you’re unsure of an answer, be honest. You can always say
you’ll get back to them via email afterwards.
That’s A Wrap
Video interviews may feel unconventional, but they are here to stay. So put in the practice and you
may find video interviews are an excellent way to find out more about a potential employer and role
while also showcasing your skills.